
Spoiler Chat Daily: White Collar Fist Fight! Plus, Scoop on Smash, Glee and More!

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By Team WWK May 22, 2012 1:29 PMTags
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You know all those boxing scenes Ryan Murphy put Darren Criss through on Glee? (Heavenly). Well, it sounds like when Matt Bomer was guest starring on Glee he got some ideas from his onscreen bro!

We've got some ominous fighting scoop from the new season of White Collar, plus one last bit of info before Glee's season finale. All that, and Secret Life of an American Teenager, Smash and more in today's Spoiler Chat...

Nellie: Any White Collar scoop? I'm missing my favorite bromance.
Bad news, Nellie. Neal and Peter will be coming to blows soon on White Collar. But don't worry, their boxing is completely planned, that is until it's not. Maybe it's a good thing these two work out some of their distrust and tension on the mat.

Lisa F. One last Spoiler Chat before the finale of Glee! Can you give us one last bit of scoop?
Unfortunately, we're going to stay pretty mum on the season-three finale so we don't ruin any of the surprises. But we can assure you this: there are many subtle and not-so-subtle call backs to the first season, so make sure you DVR the episode so you can find all the fun moments! 

Eric: Are you guys going to do a review of your favorite new network shows?
Of course! But not until the fall. Until then, check out our coverage of all the new network shows, including the top 10 we're most excited about!

Furman: Still can't get over the Smash finale. Did Ivy take those pills for attention or because she really wanted to kill herself?
Definitely more for the former reason than the latter. But that'll all get covered next season. Trust us when we say that no one is going to be ignoring Ivy (Megan Hilty) after that stunt.

McKenna in Seattle: You never ever give us Secret Life spoilers! What gives?
We were just waiting to give you the best scoop straight from the source! We recently chatted with the oh-so handsome Daren Kagasoff, and he warns that there could be trouble ahead for Ricky. "He's currently in college and Adrian is going to be there, so that's going to be an obstacle for him. So hopefully they stay away from each other. Other than that, he's just excited about being with Amy in the same house and just enjoying being almost married." But will Ramy fans get to see a wedding anytime soon? Daren tells us with a smile: "Maybe." Hmm, we have a feeling that "maybe" is a tad closer to the "yes" side.


Jessie: Do you know how long they plan to keep Jess and Nick apart on New Girl? just want them together already!
According to our well-placed source, and by that we mean when we talked to Jake Johnson recently, he told us he doesn't know what's happening next season, but he wouldn't be surprised if the New Girl writers dragged out Jess and Nick's will they/won't they situation for awhile. However, he does anticipate many "moments" between the duo to keep fans happy and to "move their friendship forward."

Cassie: Is there somewhere I can go for a House prayer circle? Loved the finale, but so sad it's over.
The House party (get it?) is right here, buddy. Come join the tears!

Robbie: I watched every episode of Nurse Jackie recently and I'm all caught up and obsessed! Scoop please?
First of all, bravo for partaking in such an awesome show marathon. And this season has been crazy-good. Now scoop time! You know how much you love to hate Dr. Cruz (Bobby Cannavale) right now? Well, very soon, you'll just plain hate him.

—Additional reporting by Jenna Mullins, Christina Dowling & Leanne Aguilera

Keep those Spoiler Chat questions coming! Email tvdiva@eonline.com or tweet @KristinDSantos!

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