Morning Mail! Is Naughty Naya Rivera Stripping Away Lea Michele's Limelight?!

With the surfacing of a risqué video from the past, readers wonder what secrets the Glee gal has

By Ted Casablanca May 22, 2012 3:01 PMTags
Naya Rivera, Lea MicheleMichael Buckner/Getty Images

Dear Ted:
Why when most of the Glee girls get caught in some sexy scandal there isn't too much hoopla, but Lea Michele is judged so harshly on everything she does? Have you seen the new clip of Naya Rivera on a stripper pole?! Imagine if it were Lea! The media would have a field day hating on her. And since that video of Naya surfaced, does she have any more dirty secrets that haven't been revealed? Kisses from Brazil

Dear Dollar Bill Blues:
First of all: Naya certainly had some impressive skills on that stage, no?! I'm talking about her upper body strength, of course. But she also had some savvy PR skills when it came to brushing off the sexy video with a simple tweet. I do think if Lea had hit the pole instead of the high notes on Broadway, the resulting clip would have caused more scandal. But—and this should answer your last question—this is Naya's brand of sexy secret, so it's no big deal, right?

Dear Ted:
I have been a loyal Ryan Gosling fan since his days of indie glory. It wasn't too long ago that he was singing about bones and other weird stuff in his band, but those quirky things seem to have slowly disappeared as he has taken on more mainstream leading man roles. So is this just another story of Hollywood changing a person or that person pretending to be something he's not? Love the hot gossip!

Dear Change You Can't Believe In:
Oh, I don't think that R.Gos brand of weirdness is totally gone, just overshadowed by his killer abs and dates with Eva Mendes. I'm sure when the time comes for his Gangster Squad press tour, he'll deliver some of those classically odd Ryan moments—much more so than, say, The Place Beyond the Pines. Those interviews are sure to be all about Eva.

Dear Ted:
What's new with Jerry Rock-Butt? I really would love it if JRB stepped it up and approached his old flame that got away. I wonder why he hasn't. Would you say he burned a bridge when comes to their former relationship? Smooches to the pooches (and you, too).

Dear Butt of the Joke:
Hardly. Chutney Jones has Jerry seven different kinds of whipped. And he knows that if he so much as looks at "The One Who Got Away" wrong, Ms. Jones will be out the door in a heartbeat. That said, Jerry and the former flame fake the nice ex thing for the public. Don't be fooled!

Dear Ted:
I just found out my precious calico, Sadie Belle, has congestive heart failure. My heart is broken for her broken heart. I watched Saturday Night Live's season finale to try to cheer myself up and was reminded of something that has nagged me for a while: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler obviously adore each other, but Kristen Wiig is noticeably left out of their lovefest. I love Fey's self-deprecating humor, but I get the impression she likes being Most Popular…and maybe Oscars threaten her sense of superiority? Thank you for advocating for the precious fur babies. My life has been brightened by Sadie's unconditional love.

Dear Saturday Night Fervor:
Tory, I'm so sorry to hear about Sadie! Kisses to both you and your kitty in this tough time, I hope you get plenty of TLC time in now. As for the ladies of SNL, it's hardly animosity. Tina and Amy are besties, sure, but they have nothing against Kristen. Didn't you see all that attention Amy was throwing Ms. Wiig's way during her send off?

Dear Ted:
Has Debbie Dobbie already been guessed correctly?! Or hasn't anyone figured her out yet? Can you give me some clues about her please? Is it Brittany Snow?

Dear Doobious Deeds:
Nope! Though some guesses have certainly been warmer than others. Yours? I'd say it's on the chillier side. Debbie is a bit more edgy than Brittany. Plus, Snow's been doing the big screen thing of late, D2 is focused on the small screen.

Dear Ted:
What the bleep, Ted. You casually throw out that Justin Beiber doesn't have a Vice. Now I'm at a total loss. Because if I remember correctly, you said a while ago that he does. Be a dear, pretty please with weekend sugar on top, and clear this all up.

Dear Eating Crow:
You weren't the only one who caught the little slip up. I must apologize profusely: I guess I was too busy salivating over those Magic Mike boys that I misspoke. Justin does indeed have a moniker. Hey, we all make mistakes, right?! Now go ahead and bitch about me in the comments!

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