
How I Met Your Mother Boss Spills on Last Night's Game-Changing Finale—and What's Ahead!

Exclusive! Carter Bays hints at more exploring of Ted and Victoria's relationship

By Kristin Dos Santos and Jenna Mullins May 15, 2012 11:25 PMTags
How I Met Your MotherRon P. Jaffe/CBS

That bride reveal was legend…wait for it…ary!

Since some of you might not have had time to watch last night's epic finale of How I Met Your Mother, we won't spoil who Barney's bride is, or who Ted drives off into the sunset with. For those who are still freaking out and have questions about the wedding and what's coming up, you aren't alone! So, of course, we had to get creator Carter Bays to shed some light on the new HIMYM plot twists!

Can we now definitively say that Barney and Robin get married? Is there any trick to what we saw last night?
Carter Bays:
Nothing is definitive until you've seen it or heard it on the show. That's as much as I can tell you!

We know Victoria's not the mother, so what's her role in this?
We loved bringing Ashley Williams back this year, and wanted to explore the Victoria/Ted relationship a little more next year, because they're pretty delightful together.

Robert Voets/CBS

What can you say about the plan for next season? When will we find out what happens at Barney/Robin's wedding?
We have some old stuff cooked up already, but it's top secret!

Will Becki Newton be back? Ashley Williams?
They will both be back, yes.

Are you still considering a spinoff? What are the chances next season will be the end?
We're waiting to see how things shake out in the next weeks. We hope to be able to say definitively if there'll be a season nine by the summer TCA.

What did you guys think of Robin as Barney's bride? How do you want to see next season unfold?

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