Kristen Stewart Covers Moody M Magazine With Hunky On the Road Costars!

Garrett Hedlund and Sam Riley appear on the glossy's Cannes edition

By Team Truth May 07, 2012 9:04 PMTags
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Don't kill us, Robsten fans, but we could get used to seeing Kristen Stewart and Garrett Hedlund together…on magazine covers, that is!

Because the On the Road costars are posing for yet another spread together, this time for M magazine along with Sam Riley. And the moody shot, which boasts the special Cannes issue of the magazine, is red hot—even in black and white.

Kind of makes you excited to see the twosome's chemistry switch from newsstands to the big screen, huh?

Especially since we know the naughty married duo—K.Stew plays Garrett's child bride, Marylou, in the adaptation of the Jack Kerouac classic—will get twisted up in some seriously sexy stuff.

Let's just say: Three ain't a crowd on this cover…or in the big-screen bedroom.

And this isn't the first cover the two have shared to promote their new flick. As you'll surely recall, the duo got high-fashion cozy for Jalouse magazine last month. (Paris really does score some killer covers, huh?!)

And while the trio appears to be more in character for Le magazine du Monde—rocking their retro looks and puffing on the ciggies they'll be smoking plenty of in the movie (Riley plays a tortured writer, after all, so it's practically a film necessity)—we are just getting more and more excited for Cannes.

Guess that's the point of this par-tick cover anyway!

But fear not, fans of Kristen and her Twilight boyfriend Robert Pattinson—we're sure you'll be plenty satisfied come Cannes.

Because while K.Stew may love her "risk taking" costar—the two certainly seem to have hit it off, just peep the also recently released behind-the-scenes Trois Couleurs pics—she's set to hit the On the Road premiere with none other than R.Pattz himself.

And we have a feeling Garrett may be bringing another of his costars (that'd be Kirsten Dunst). Double date in the South of France, anyone?!

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