Dark Knight Rises: Batman Is Wanted by Gotham's Finest—Just Check Out the Police Report

Fans are asked to help hunt down the anonymous vigilante known as The Batman in this latest effort to promote the highly anticipated movie

By Peter Gicas Apr 30, 2012 9:16 PMTags
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Anticipation for the latest trailer for The Dark Knight Rises, scheduled to appear before The Avengers this weekend, has given, well, rise to a whole new viral campaign.

That's right, fanboys and fangirls. If you make your way to the film's official site, thedarkknightrises.com, you'll find an eight-page Gotham City police report that includes this wanted poster for an anonymous vigilante known as "The Batman" along with a detailed description of the charges against him.

In this latest campaign, a list of locations is featured where officers (aka fans) can track down clues of the Caped Crusader's whereabouts and are asked to "submit photographic evidence of graffiti related to any movement in support of the vigilante's return."

Yep. Just something else to give obsessed moviegoers a reason to wish July 20 was today.

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