Aw! Mickey Rourke Adopts Stray Dog Found on Movie Set

Actor and noted animal lover announces in Dead in Tombstone press conference that he’s taking in an adorable mutt he named Foxy

By Rebecca Macatee Mar 30, 2012 8:13 PMTags
Mickey RourkeHEPTA SRL/

Dog truly is man's best friend, and no one knows that better than Mickey Rourke.

The longtime canine aficionado, 59, who is currently filming the thriller Dead in Tombstone in Romania, revealed Thursday in a press conference for his movie that he decided to adopt a stray dog he found on set.

And just what did Rourke name the lucky pup?


Based on the actor's treatment of his past pooches, Foxy is definitely in for a wags-to-riches story.

When Rourke won the 2009 Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in The Wrestler, he famously gave a special shout-out to "all my dogs" in his acceptance speech: "The ones that are here, that aren't here anymore, because sometimes when a man's alone, that's all you got is your dog. And they meant the world to me."

He also credited his canines, including his beloved Chihuahua Loki, who passed away in 2009 at age 18, for helping him get past his depression.  

"I think I hadn't left the house for four or five months, and I was sitting in the closet, sleeping in the closet for some reason, and I was in a bad place. And I just remember I was thinking, 'Oh, man, if I do this,' " Rourke told Barbara Walters in her 2009 Oscar special on ABC. "And then I looked at my dog, Lowjack, and he made a sound, like a little almost human sound. I don't have kids, the dogs became everything to me. The dog was looking at me going, 'Who's going to take care of me?' "

If Foxy's luck continues, she'll be walking the red carpet in no time just like Rourke's other dogs!

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