Poor Kirk Cameron and Sarah Palin: Are Conservative Christians Being Unfairly Bashed?

We ask readers whether traditional values are being unjustly criticized, in light of HBO’s Game Change, debuting tomorrow

By Ted Casablanca, Alyssa Toomey Mar 09, 2012 8:00 PMTags
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We must admit, they all have a point.

In response to Kirk Cameron's anti-gay slurs, One Million Moms' JCPenney outrage, and most recently, the HBO film Game Change based on the John McCain-Sarah Palin campaign, we're thinking it might be time to alter our über-harsh ‘tude. Really!

‘Cause now that Kirk's dealing with loads of critics (far-outnumbering his Growing Pains fans), One Million Moms is done with JCPenney (and the company's openly gay spokeswoman, Ellen Degeneres) and Palin's put out a YouTube clip in a sad attempt to save face, we have to ask:

Who's really the victim in this loudmouthed bashing battle?

OK, we really do feel sorry for them.

And while we fully agree Kirk is entitled to give his opinion, especially after being directly asked in an interview, he also has to expect a fair amount of backlash after sharing those controversial comments on national television, right? Apparently, not so—poor Kirk, someone should have informed him of Piers Morgan's viewership…

Smells a bit like Sarah Palin, who we assume would also anticipate both criticism and a Hollywood reaction in response to her rapid rise to power in the 2008 election (this is hardly the first political film, after all).

Instead, Palin's busy whining over Julianne Moore's supposedly inaccurate portrayal in the HBO film. In reality, Game Change is the story of woman thrown into a competitive election trying to impress and not always succeeding, but Sarah's much too convinced it's a story about how much she sucks.

At least convinced enough that she refuses to see the flick (John McCain followed suit) and even launched a mini-campaign against the movie, complete with a Sarah Palin promo where she is shown in the most positive light. How dare anyone insult the Alaska queen.

So it must be totally fair Kirk and Palin are rocking the "woe is me" ‘tude—just like those One Million Moms who can no longer shop at JCPenney! Gals have dropped their case but have to take their retail business elsewhere, ya know, since the store no longer holds the same values "as Christians or conservatives." What a hassle for those savvy shoppin' moms.

But perhaps, if even Bill Maher can accept  Rush Limbaugh's apology after Rush's "slut" remarks, then maybe the conservative camp should take a big ole chill pill and realize they're anything but the minority (leave that to the "unnatural" homosexuals).

Then again, these folks deserve all the sympathy they can get. And frankly, we're tired of throwing back hate.

What say you, Awful readers? Do you think conservatives are being unfairly criticized? Are you excited for Game Change? Sound off in the comments!

PHOTOS: Hollywood Jumps on Palin Bashing Bandwagon

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