Zac Efron Cops to Condom-Dropping: Now Watch Him Blush!

Put this scandal to bed: Lorax star is in the hot seat when Matt Lauer quizzes him on his infamous red carpet moment

By Gina Serpe Mar 01, 2012 5:11 PMTags

There's something ever so slightly awkward about a 24-year-old movie star discussing his safe sex habits with a 54-year-old morning show anchor. On live TV, no less.

Luckily for all of us, there's also something rather hilarious about it, as evidenced on Today when Matt Lauer decided to grilll Zac Efron on his now infamous condom-dropping on the red carpet premiere of The Lorax last week.

"You wanna take me through what happened?" the hard-hitting newsman asked.

"Uh, I don't want to take you through it, but um…" Efron giggled in response.

"I did, I did [drop something], I never really had a pocket-checking policy prior to going on the red carpet before, but now we fully instated one," he said, nervous tics out in full force.

"You dropped a—a condom on the floor," Lauer stuttered, bravely if unnecessarily soldiering on.

"Yeah. Which was really hard for you to say."

Well, hey, we gotta give him points for 'fessing up so willingly. And Lauer, apparently, saw fit to give him points for something else.

"Gives you credit," he said, "better to be safe than sorry, right?"

"It's a great message, to add to the many messages in the film," Efron said. Oh, the family-friendly folks behind the film will no doubt be grateful for that one.

"It's nice at 24 you can still blush a little," Lauer added.

"I can't help it right now," Efron said. And somehow, neither can we.

Consider this non-scandal well and truly put to bed.

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