Bachelor Recap Shocker! Guess Who Didn't Make the Final Three?!

Bachelor Ben makes a big cut after spending time with the ladies' and their parents in their hometowns.

By Brandi Fowler Feb 21, 2012 5:42 AMTags

You can't win them all.

And such was the case for one particular Bachelor woman who seemed like one of the best matches for Ben Flajnik, but who shockingly got the boot after the hometown dates.

So which of the remaining four hopefuls (Lindzi, Nicki, Kacie and Courtney) left the scene rose-less?

Get ready to gasp. It was Kacie.

Monday's show marked Ben's trips home to visit the girls' families, with the winemaker heading down to Ocala, Fl. to meet Lindzi's parents, hobnobbing in Clarksville, Tenn. with Kacie's loved ones, chatting with Nicki's family in Fort Worth and wining and dining with Courtney's folks in Scottsdale, Ariz.

Lindzi, who said Ben is only the second guy she's ever brought home, kicked off their date on horseback and then sat down for some wine with the Bachelor beau. They chatted about the first man she brought home who she said later broke her heart.

Rather than turning into an awkward moment, however, Ben said he appreciated Lindzi's openness regarding a touchy subject.

"I've had a good feeling about Lindzi since the first night. She makes me feel good," Ben said in his confessional.

And then it was off to meet her parents…who revealed they married in San Francisco's City Hall…the same place Ben and Lindzi had their first date. 

"I could see a forever future with Ben, and I've never said that before," Lindzi told her mom after she met Ben.

Ben made a good impression there (and showed off some horseback riding skills as well), noted by Lindzi's dad, who told him, "We'd be honored to have you as our son-in-law!"

On Ben's family visit with Courtney, she (not so surprisingly) was extremely candid about her feelings towards for Ben, telling her family "[Ben] is smart and funny and I really feel like I'm falling for him. I, like, love him."

While Courtney's mom wasn't exactly "sold" on Courtney's "love" proclamation at first, she later came around after a sit-down in which Courtney said, "[Ben] makes me feel so special…if he keeps it up, I'll be ready to say yes if he proposes."

And to prove that point, Courtney, who has a flair for dramatics, couldn't let the trip end without one last over-the-top gesture.

Following the meeting with her parents, Courtney and Ben headed out for a picnic at a place where she said she always wanted to get married.

She then proceeded to surprise Ben with a set-up for a wedding (seriously). After handing Ben a notebook to write his down his vows, a faux officiate appeared to preside over their wedding (a fake one, needless to say) and they went on to recite their vows to each other.

"We are not Mr. and Mrs. Flajnik yet, but it feels pretty good to try it on for size," Courtney says later in her confessional. 

During his visit with Nicki, Ben and the dental hygienist start their date off in a boot shop, where they snap up some cowboy boots and hats. Nicki then goes on to reveal she married the last man she brought home.

And while her dad has some reservations about giving his daughter away again, (he tells Nicki, "I don't want you to get hurt. I may have too readily given your hand in marriage the first time"), Nicki's mom, was a little more accepting of Ben, saying, "I see with Ben some kind of connection I've not seen—even with her first husband."

"[Ben] makes me feel cherished and special," Nicki told her mom after their introduction.

Meanwhile, Kacie welcomed Ben to visit her family, with a salute from a marching band at her high school (she twirled the baton a bit before literally jumping on him and showering him with kisses).

"When I'm around Kacie I feel like I'm at ease. She has this endearing quality that brings out the best in me," Ben said.

But when Ben meets Kacie's family, it isn't exactly a stress-free time like the other three visits. 

After Kacie reveals her dad is a federal probation officer who doesn't drink, Ben says in his confessional, "I'm thinking to myself, 'Oh, that's great. I'm a winemaker and my business is booze. Strike one."

And it basically goes downhill from there. 

"I would be very frustrated if something my dad says causes Ben to question our relationship," Kacie said. Then we see Ben meet her father (and he makes Ben really nervous). 

Ben asks if Kacie's dad is "comfortable" with their situation, and he tells the Bachelor star, "Don't rush into anything….I don't want to see Kacie get hurt, I don't want you to get hurt. I want you to find the right person as well. If Kacie is not the one, I would hope that would be communicated to her very soon to keep her from getting hurt more."

Ben worried that he wouldn't be able to get her parents approval at this point.

And that wasn't all.

Kacie's dad then said, "If he was to ask me if he could marry you, I would say no," adding that he wanted them to take their time and "get to know each other better."

That worried Kacie, who said: "All of a sudden, everything is going wrong, and I don't know if I can fix it."

And clearly she wasn't able to.

After Ben handed a rose to all the other women, Kacie broke down in her car ride home. "I had no clue this was coming. Why am I not good enough? I don't get it! How did this happen? What the (bleep) happened?!" she said.

What happened? It looks like Ben took her dad's advice.

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