Poll: Should CNN Fire Roland Martin?

Following a seemingly anti-gay tweet, we wonder whether the TV One host should be fired

By Team Truth Feb 08, 2012 2:43 PMTags
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Yesterday was such a great day for the LGBT community, what with a Federal California court declaring Prop 8 unconstitutional, that we didn't want to ruin it with anti-gay biz courtesy of CNN commentator Roland Martin.

We've made up our minds about the sitch, but, we find this gay-baiting (and gay-bashing) to be particularly rich right in the middle of The Help and all of its civil-rights-minded glory doing so well at awards shows and at the box office. What about the civil rights of gays?

Here are the facts:

Martin—who works for CNN and has hosting duties on TV One—tweeted Sunday, "If a dude at your Super Bowl party is hyped about David Beckham's H&M underwear ad, smack the ish out of him!"

Yikes. People quickly cried foul and accused the news guy of promoting violence against gays.

Martin then cried foul himself, issuing a not-so-sincere apology in which he said the tweet wasn't anti-gay and he was "sorry folks took it otherwise." Which actually isn't even really an apology at all…just a passing of the blame.

Later, Roland released another statement clarifying his stance on the issue, which according to him is simply anti-soccer and nothing more (especially, he says, nothing to do with sexuality).

READ: CNN's Roland Martin Apologizes for Offensive Tweet—Does GLAAD Forgive Him?

GLAAD (who encouraged CNN to can Martin following the controversy) said: "It's up to CNN, viewers and readers to judge...the veracity of and commitment to his words today. CNN has thus far remained silent. They should not continue to do so."

So what will CNN says when they do eventually say something?

We ask you, readers, is Roland's apology enough? Do you think his tweet was anti-gay or he's just trying to cover it up now that he's catching heat? And what should CNN do about it: fire him or keep him on board?

Sound off below!


Awful's Canned by CNN Poll!

Should CNN fire Roland Martin for his seemingly anti-gay tweet?
Yes. Bullying should never be tolerated.
No. He apologized and should be forgiven.
Neither. It wasn¿t even anti-gay in the first place!

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