Tuesdays With Maury: In a Pickle

The fear of pickles. Yes, Maury says it's real.

By Peter Gilstrap Sep 16, 2008 11:00 AMTags

It's that time of the week again, when we pay a quick visit to smilin' Maury Povich. Is it just us or does he look like he should be a professional bowler with his own line of pastel cardigans? But thank God he isn't. Without Maury, we wouldn't be exposed to the lazy susan of fears and phobias and severly humiliated guests that keep us all so entertained.

Here's another taste of classic Pov, featuring a waitress who is terrfied of pickles. And apparently cucumbers, too. Just the sight of a mild mannered Gherkin or a harmless dill sends the lady into a quivering state of hysteria. "Pickles are destroying my life," she sobs. You can almost hear Maury cackling.

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