
The Bachelor's Chris Harrison and Ben Flajnik Crash Fan's Viewing Party!

Lucky fan had their Monday TV-watching routine interrupted by a surprise visit

By Team WWK Jan 12, 2012 1:10 AMTags
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Not only do Bachelor host Chris Harrison and the Bachelor Ben Flajnik travel the world trying to make romance magic happen, but apparently they like to crash other people's viewing parties!

Bachelor fan Baker Machado's usual Monday night was made extra special when both Chris and Ben surprised him in his home, and we have the exclusive story and video...

"My friends noticed that Bachelor host Chris Harrison tweeted early Monday morning that he and Bachelor Ben Flajnik would be making appearances to select viewing parties on Monday," Baker tells us. "After my girlfriends submitted over a dozen emails, the girls and I joked how hilarious it would be if we were actually chosen in the contest."

He continues: "Around 9:30 Monday night while all of us gathered in the living room to see who Ben would eliminate this week, my friend Cameron received a call from a producer of the show saying they were outside our house. And low and behold, there came walking into our apartment Chris Harrison, Bachelor Ben and a few producers of the show! I was totally shocked and almost died from excitement."

How were Chris and Ben as houseguests? Everything you'd expect from two dudes.

"The guys polished off the rest of our large supply of Two-Buck Chuck and pizza and even held a mock rose celebration and a toast promoting next week's episode," Baker says. "Ben wouldn't tell us who he ends up picking or any dirt on the women, and Chris says that he hopes they continue this trend every week of going to a lucky fan's house."

Check out the hilarious footage below from Chris and Ben's house crashing!

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