99 Reasons We Love Hollywood: #63-55!

2011’s been a tough time for love and stars in Hollywood, but listen to what went right this year!

By Team Truth Dec 27, 2011 1:45 PMTags
Nicki Minaj, Anna Wintour Mike Coppola/Getty Images

Now that your holiday is officially over and you're probably starting to run out of leftovers, we hope you're still feeling the good vibes. Especially since we still have over half of our 99 reasons we still love H'wood to share with ya!

And since we just covered Jessica Simpson and her fab empire, Jane Lynch's hopefully trend-setting stint as the host of this year's Emmys, and Rihanna's naughty (but truly delish) Twitter feed, we'll move on to the next nine reasons we're thrilled to live and breathe in Tinseltown:

63. Gwyneth Paltrow Gone Wild. You know we adore the oh-so-posh Ms. Paltrow, and this year she definitely gave us what we wanted! First she delivered in Contagion, i.e., she died in the first five minutes of the movie and got her head cut open. Then she topped herself with the most ridiculous GOOP app (check it out for some serious WASPy LOLs). Keep up the oh-so-entertaining work, G.P.! We mean it, totally.

Danielle Levitt/FOX

62. Lea Michele's Pipes. We get to hear 'em every week on Glee (and they're still the best part of the show). She showed off her singing voice again in her big-screen break, New Year's Eve. And we hope she'll get to put them to use again in the now-stalled Broadway revival of Funny Girl. Everyone cross your fingers!

61. Steve Carell's Office Goodbye. Kudos to the comedian for doing what most stars wouldn't dare: leaving his über-successful primetime staple while it was still (arguably) hot (it depends who you ask). Michael Scott bowed out in quite the graceful way. And hey, now we get Steve on the big screen full-time, so that's great too.

60. Zooey and Emily Deschanel. How blessed we all are that both of the Deschanel sisters are now on our boob tubes weekly. There's Zooey delivering Golden Globe-worthy "adorkable" moments on New Girl and Emily getting down and dirty solving crimes over on Bones (with some of the best onscreen chemistry ever with David Boreanaz).

59. Lana Del Rey. Think Justin Bieber of the Indie crowd—well, kinda. LDR put some of her tunes up on YouTube (including "Video Games," the ditty that really made her famous) and got tons of attention…As she should; she's got a killer voice and she's drop-dead gorgeous to boot (have you peeped those killer lips?!). We dig her old-school sound and think her Hollywood awkwardness is terribly endearing.

58. Regis and Kelly 4Eva. This one is a two-parter actually: Regis and Kelly were great together for the years they were on. But we're happy that when the time came for the dynamic duo to split, Regis went out in style. And Kelly moved on to younger, hotter guest cohosts. Hey, that seems kinda like a win-win to us.

57. Sports Will Survive. You might not take us for the sports fan types, but we definitely keep up with certain players on and off the court/field/etc., like Kris Humphries and Tim Tebow, just to name a couple. Which is why we were thrilled when the football and basketball strikes came to an end. Hey, you may watch the games to see who wins, but we watch ‘em to gossip about all the often-naughty hunks.


56. Nicki Minaj and Anna Wintour. Each year all eyes are on the front row of Fashion Week to see who the elite in fashion are that year—but no one expected it to be this odd couple. The fashionista rap star (who tends toward leopard prints and crazy wigs) played besties with the oft-feared and far more modestly dressed Vogue editor. And yet, it was our favorite fashion pairing…well, ever.

55. Jessica Chastain. If you don't know who Jess Chastain is, then you clearly did not go to the movies this year, because the babe was in just about everything. She stole every one of the scenes that featured her in The Help (and rightfully received tons of buzz and noms this awards season), she got to cozy up to Brad Pitt by playing his onscreen wifey in The Tree of Life, earned rave reviews for her performance in Take Shelter and even gave Helen Friggin' Mirren a huge run for her acting chops in The Debt. And Jessica's not slowing down anytime soon: She's got a slew of projects in the works. Hell, we'd even go so far as to say this deft and sexy performer is Streep and Jolie wrapped up in one killer package.

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