Vote Now! Julianne Moore vs. Tina Fey—Who Does Sarah Palin Best?

Teaser for HBO's film chronicling the rise of the controversial politician is in the wild

By Josh Grossberg Dec 22, 2011 5:08 PMTags

It's the battle of the Sarah Palin impersonations!

In one corner, ladies and gents, we have Julianne Moore star of the new HBO film Game Change, about the former Alaska governor's ascendance to Republican vice presidential candidate, whose trailer just premiered on the Web.

In the other corner, there's 30 Rock's Tina Fey, whose satirical Saturday Night Live takedown of Palin, some political analysts say, may have even swung the 2008 election in President Obama's favor.

So which one does the best Sarah? Better yet, who can see Russia from their house?

Game Change, costarring Ed Harris as Republican presidential nominee John McCain and Woody Harrelson as McCain adviser Steve Schmidt—the man who unleashed the Mama Grizzly on an unsuspecting American public—premieres in March.


Mama Grizzly Poll

Who does Sarah Palin best?
Julianne Moore
Tina Fey

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