The Vampire Diaries: It's Time to Dream Cast the Remaining Original Siblings!

Suggest your favorite actors to join Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah's vampire family on the hit CW series

By Tierney Bricker Dec 01, 2011 9:50 PMTags
Vampire DiariesCW

It's finally Thursday, so you know what that means: An all-new episode of The Vampire Diaries! Wheee!

Psych! Sorry, that was cruel of us, we know, but we had to grab your attention somehow. Unfortunately, we're still stuck in the TV suckfest that is the midseason hiatus. Still, with a show like TVD, there's plenty of mythology and storyline speculation to hold us over until the show returns on (gulp!) Thursday, Jan. 5.

Something we'd like to talk about with you, our dear readers: Who should play the remaining siblings we've yet to meet from the Original family, which includes our current BBIC (Big Bad in Charge) Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and the currently daggered Elijah (Daniel Gillies) and Rebekah (Claire Holt)? So put on your thinking caps and break out your dream catchers 'cause it's time to dream cast, people!

Before we get to the dream casting part, we have to figure out exactly how many siblings are left to cast. We've actually put a lot of thought into this (hey, it's our job to do so!), and here's what we think:

When Elijah told Elena (Nina Dobrev) about his family's history in the season two episode "Klaus," he said there were seven siblings. We've already met four—Klaus, Eljah, Rebekah and Henrick, whose death in this season's flashback episode, "Ordinary People," led their parents to create the vampire curse so that they'd never have to lose another child. Still with us? Good. In that episode, Rebekah revealed to Elena (Nina Dobrev) that their family moved to Mystic Falls after one of her siblings died of the plague in Europe.

That leaves us with two siblings left unaccounted for. Sure, Stefan (Paul Wesley) seemed to have more than two caskets in the final moments of the midseason finale, but don't forget he also has Elijah—and we think he was just hanging out in Casket Depot or something. Why? Because we like to be right. 

Now, here's the fun part. We want you guys to leave your suggestions, one male and one female, for the actors you think would perfectly fit into the Original family in our comments section. It can be a totally unrealistic pick (like Team WWK favorite Michael Fassbender. Seriously, just picture it!) or a crazy theory pick, like Elijah's equally well-coifed twin brother. Anything goes! From there, we'll compile a list of the top suggestions and share them with you next week. 

Got it? Get ready, get set...dream cast!

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