Joseph Gordon-Levitt Asked Out by Woman With Cancer on YouTube

After watching 50/50 a woman diagnosed with the disease decides to ask her crush out on a coffee date

By Bruna Nessif Nov 16, 2011 12:29 AMTags

Wow, the internet really does connect us all.

Case in point: After being moved by the cancer dramedy 50/50a completely adorable 26-year-old woman who is actually diagnosed with the unfortunate disease took to YouTube to try and make a wish of hers reality.

A coffee date with the star, Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Lindsey Miller uploaded the YouTube video, titled "Will Joseph Gordon-Levitt Have Coffee With Me?" on her blog along with a post.

"As you might recall, I saw the cancer comedy 50/50 recently and was impressed with it, though it was difficult emotionally for me to watch," she wrote.

"Also, I didn't admit this in my first post about it, but after seeing Joseph Gordon-Levitt's performance and seeing/reading some of his subsequent interviews about the film I thought, 'This guy gets it. And he's cute. I wonder if I could ever run into him somewhere.' But even though I live in LA, it seems impossible to find him."

READ: Justin Timberlake's Marine Corps Ball Date: "He Genuinely Cared About What He Saw"

Ain't that the truth?! (We're just speculating!)

Since random chance didn't bring them together, Miller decided to try a different route.

"Maybe YouTube can help…OK, I admit: It's ridiculous. And it feels like i'm making a big leap from being an anonymous cancer "liver" a few months ago to now starring in my own video. But life is short. So, why not?"

Why not, indeed! Miller then formally introduces herself on the video and does the ballsy thing most girls cannot do: Ask a guy (let alone a celebrity) out on a date.

So will the date happen? Here's hoping the chances are better than 50/50.

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