Morning Mail! Where's the Glee Love For Jenna?

Readers wonder why Jenna Ushkowitz doesn't get more time on the hit show

By Ted Casablanca Nov 02, 2011 10:58 AMTags
Jenna Ushkowitz, Glee, Season 3Danielle Levitt/FOX

Dear Ted:
Speaking of Glee Vices, what's the writers' deal with Jenna Ushkowitz? She's been ignored from the start. Do they have beef with her or what?

Dear Asian Persuasion:
No beef, but Jenna certainly isn't as much of a fan favorite as the rest of Glee gang. Plus, her character Tina is a junior this season, while the focus has been on the soon-to-be departed senior class. Jenna's take on the issue? She told Billboard, "I'm just patiently waiting, I know Tina's time will come," so the gal seems content with her minimal time on the boob tube. 

Dear Ted:
You're the only one I can ask! What gives with Kate Middleton? The photos of her at her first "solo" event are scary. She is so lovely, but just getting thinner and thinner! Is it all the pressure?
Slightly Worried

Dear In Need Of A Royal Snack:
We agree, Kate's weight loss has been a bit drastic, but don't jump to any conclusions. It's totally normal for the gal to drop a few pounds with the royal pressure. If her size continues to shrink, then we'll be concerned, but for now, it's safe to say that the weight loss is simply due to all the stress. No doubt, William and the entire royal bunch are very protective of the Duchess—we would know if the gal was going down the same path as Diana. 

Dear Ted:
Does James Franco have a new girlfriend? What was the real story behind his split with Ahna O'Reilly?

Dear Still Flying Solo:
Blame the split on their time apart and competing schedules. And no, there's no new girlfriend in the picture for Franco. Who do you think he should date next, R.?

Dear Ted:
Just to clarify, will Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart be doing any Breaking Dawn: Part 1 promotion together? And if so, when?

Dear Really?:
Of course the two will be doing promotion together—that's all we've been friggin' talking about for weeks! Coming up first? The Handprint Ceremony plus the Official Twilight Fan Convention, both of which are going down this week. 

Dear Ted:
I'm getting the impression that Elisabetta Canalis is a snake, her recent comments about George Clooney being a father figure and how he appreciated her feminine side has me wondering what exactly she is getting at. Camp Clooney?

Dear Slithering Into The Spotlight:
Canalis loved being in the public eye when she dated Clooney, and the gal's trying to stay there. And trust, she's very determined to maintain her celebrity status.

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