Morning Mail! Ashley Greene vs. Kristen Stewart: Who's a Better Fit for Robert Pattinson?

Could Ashley Greene and Robert Pattinson really be hooking up and is January Jones’s baby causing drama on set?

By Ted Casablanca Nov 01, 2011 11:59 AMTags
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Dear Ted:
I don't really think anyone believes Ashley Greene and Robert Pattinson are getting it on. Some clearly do, but please clarify what you meant about Rob's type being in he's interested in girls but not specifically Ashley? This Robsten dry spell isn't doing any of us any good.

Dear Plain and Simple:
No. I was saying that if he were on the market, he might go for a gal like Ashley. Why not? As for the dry spell, puh-lease, as if most of the Twi-hard crew needed an excuse to be crazy. Less than two weeks until the premiere though, and I'm positive they'll be reunited before then.

Dear Ted:
I was wondering if January Jones' baby drama is affecting her role on Mad Men at all. Are the cast and crew annoyed that her personal life is overshadowing the show or are they supportive of her?

READ: Are Robert Pattinson and Ashley Greene Vicing Behind Kristen Stewart's Back?

Dear Baby Mama Drama:
Her castmates have been über-supportive of J.J., at least publicly. Behind the scenes, they don't care as much about the baby daddy mystery as the goss-lovin' public does. Especially since everyone on set's name has been cleared.

Dear Ted:
Why am I hearing rumors about Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens hooking up again? Aren't they over each other?

Dear Over It:
If they aren't, I am. We got all we needed from this cutesy high school romance. I think it certainly run its celebrity course but let's see. Musical numbers galore? Check. Naked pictures leaked? Check. Breakup? Check. Yup that about covers it. And these two are definitely dunzo with each other. Even if they start canoodling again.

Dear Ted:
Here's something that's bugging me about the whole Tom Cruise debacle. Lestat. I don't like Tom in general. He actually seems like a pretty nice guy, but there's something about him that bugs me. I was a huge Anne Rice fan and was one of the many, many, Rice fans who freaked the eff out when Tom was cast as our beloved Lestat. I was also one of the ones left with egg of my face when he totally rocked it. I think if the author is cool with it, it isn't for Tom to say no. It's the author's work. Fans should care about the author's wishes too. Without the author, there would be no book to love.

READ: Tom Cruise "Very Sensitive" to Talk About His Controversial One Shot Casting

Dear No Buyer's Remorse:
Let's just hold our judgments until after the movie comes out—or at least until the trailer hits the net. No one said you had to be in love with the guy in order to like him as an actor. I think he'll do just fine, and plenty of these bitchers will have egg on their face too.

Dear Ted:
Why do you hate Jessica Biel so much? Did she spit on you or something? Since she's not a hot mess or hasn't had a mental breakdown she's boring? She lies low and seems to be unaffected by Hollywood. She has to have some of your attention since you answer questions about her at least once a week. And obviously you don't know jack when it comes to her relationship with Justin Timberlake since he went back to her. Call them a boring couple but they aren't together for your and anybody else's amusement or entertainment. Save you're assholeness for a celebrity who actually deserves it.
—Rant over

Dear Hold Your Freakin' Horses:
Excuse me, but when have I said anything too mean about the broad? Sure, I've said she's kind of boring, but that's because she is—and it has nothing to do with breakdowns or drunken debauchery. But that I think it was kind of a dingbat move for her to take J.T. back. But that's not hatred, doll.

Dear Ted:
Is there any truth to Naya Rivera hooking up with one of the Glee writers?

Dear Hot and Heavy:
Take Glee rumors with a grain of salt, sugar. But it wouldn't exactly be the worst idea, since few of those Gleeks have the best job security.

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