
Does Julianne Moore Nail Sarah Palin? You Betcha!

Move over, Tina Fey! There's a new failed vice presidential candidate coming to town

By Marc Malkin Oct 28, 2011 1:00 PMTags
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We cannot wait to see Game Change, HBO's adaptation of the book of the same name about the 2008 presidential election.

Julianne Moore plays Sarah Palin. If what we've seen and heard is any indication of things to come, her portrayal is downright freaky.

Sarah Paulson, who plays Republican strategist Nicole Wallace in the film, says Moore could easily pass for the failed vice presidential candidate.

"I will say there were several times where I'd be standing there on set and she would walk by and I would see her peripherally," Paulson told me while promoting her new awards season favorite, Martha Marcy May Marlene (in theaters now). "I'd take a quick glance and I'd be like, 'Why the hell is Sarah Palin on our set?' It's so weird.

"Julianne Moore doesn't really look like Sarah Palin without all the makeup—but, oh my God!" she added. "She does this amazing thing with her body. Sarah Palin has a very specific way of standing and walking that Julianne does. It's going to blow people's minds."

Now, what about Paulson's guest spot on American Horror Story as a medium? "I have to say I didn't read the script before I said that I would do it," Paulson said.

She and Horror Story creator Ryan Murphy go way back to when Paulson worked with him on Nip Tuck. "I've only done one episode so far," she said. "I hope I'm doing more."

In fact, she's up for some of the show's signature naughtiness. "I would get naked for Ryan Murphy," she laughed. "I would get naked for Ryan Murphy in a heartbeat."

Careful what you wish for, Ms. Paulson.

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