Morning Piss: Sarah Palin's Shiny Sharpshooter

Sarah Palin speaks out

By Ted Casablanca Sep 04, 2008 1:01 PMTags
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Damn, that Alaskan broad (says this big-haired Texan one) really used both barrels last night, eh? No wonder, too, with a gazillion Photoshopped babies like the one to the left being spread 'round the country faster than word the McCain/Palin is a bomb ticket. Girl just can't get no respect.

We therefore fully sympathize with Ms. P's perfectly lip-lined—and glossed—mouthiness. I mean, take that nastyass heathen Campbell Brown over at CNN, for ince. The newscaster cutie had the temerity to ask a McCain campaign spokesperson just what experience, exactly, Sarah Palin has with foreign policy, opinions or statements of any kind? Does she have any records, voting or otherwise, besides destroying her local homeland's environment? (My words, not those of Campbell, who, in all fairness, I must confess, seemed hell-bent on discovering the true nature of TomKat last time we blabbed on the boob-tube, so ya never know').

As punishment for Brown's outlandish question, McCain cancelled all further dealings with CNN, damn straight. What is this, grade school? I mean, let's not ask a potential vice-presidential nominee about how she might deal with the world, should she be president. Instead let's just get her heavily made-up mug out for more photo ops.

Unless that babe withdrawals her nomination (which I hear might be happening soon?), get ready for a whole batch of newly gizmo-ed pics showing Palin pole dancing with Katherine Harris.

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