Afternoon Mail! Justin Bieber vs. Selena Gomez: Who's the Fairest of Them All?

Readers want to know which member of the couple cares more about their looks

By Ted Casablanca Oct 10, 2011 8:45 PMTags
Justin Bieber, Selena GomezChristopher Polk/Getty Images

Dear Ted:
If there was only one mirror in the room with Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, who would spend more time making sure that their appearance would be perfect? Justin or Selena.
—Julie in Texas

Dear Mirror Mirror on the Wall:
The Biebs, of course. You don't think that swoopy hair just magically falls into place, do ya? But Selena is into his pretty boy good looks, so she definitely doesn't mind if he hogs the vanity from time to time.

Dear Ted:
When you started talking about Valley of the Dolls, I snagged a copy right away. I loved the book, but my question is, do you really think a network TV show would be able to do it justice? This sort of dark and dirty entertainment belongs on HBO or Showtime!

Dear TV MA:
You're totally right, A. Some of the more mature biz definitely would make a great follow-up to, say, True Blood. But prime-time TV is getting racier these days. Hopefully the new Dolls will push those boundaries even further.

Dear Ted:
Why is everybody always hating on Elisabetta Canalis? She's had a career of her own in Italy for a long time, but everyone thinks all she's done is date George Clooney. I don't think she's the only one benefiting from her relationships, right?

Dear Getting the Boot:
But she wants to be a huge star over here in the good old USA, babe. Unfortunately, doesn't seem to be going too fabulously for the babe. But if Betty wants to get in on the True Blood action following her DWTS elimination, why not try for Alexander Skarsgård or someone who wasn't killed off seasons ago?

Dear Ted:
James Franco
and Mila Kunis have worked together a lot in the past. Now, they are working together again in Oz, The Great and Powerful, but this time they are both single. Is there any chance of these two dating in the future? They would be so cute together!

Dear Slim to None:
James is high strung and Mila is totally chill. While they might balance each other out, I can't see these two meshing for too long.

Dear Ted:
Is Lea Michele aware of the rumors that she's difficult? Does she just think the rumors are rumors, or does she think she's a victim of lies?

Dear In On It:
Lea is a genius, babe. She knows exactly what she's doing in this town—and it seems to be working, no matter what naysayers may bitch about her.

Dear Ted:
Have Portia Vajazzle and Stinky Carrot-Crotch worked together before?

Dear Bedroom Buddies:
But of course!

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