Why Is the FBI After Clint Eastwood?!

His latest flick, J. Edgar with Leonardo DiCaprio, has the Bureau up in arms

By Ted Casablanca, Alyssa Toomey Oct 10, 2011 12:55 PMTags
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In a very bizarre turn of events, it seems that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is all riled up over Clint Eastwood's latest movie, J. Edgar. Which, of course, stars Leonardo DiCaprio as the FBI's founding director, J. Edgar Hoover.

So when the bureau's not chasing down Scarlett Johansson's nude pics, it's all up in Clint's business! What's up with the FBI going all Hollywood these days?

Color us not surprised it has everything to do with Eastwood's portrayal of The Hoov. And remember we first criticized Clint for failing to make the character "gay-enough."

Now it seems the FBI is all peeved at C. for his "false" portrayal of J. Edgar's sexuality and, according to USA Today, even Assistant FBI Director Mike Kortan tried to persuade Eastwood from depicting Hoover's rumored relaysh with right-hand-man, Clyde Tolson:

"Vague rumors and fabrications have cropped up from time to time," Kortan said, "but there is no evidence in the historical record on this issue."

Well, duh, there's no evidence. The dude was infamous for digging up other's secrets! Ya really think he's going to keep a record of his, shall we say, indiscretions?

And leave it to William Branon, chairman of The J. Edgar Hoover Foundation to take the matter one step further in a letter he wrote to Eastwood:

"These allegations spun by an author of questionable repute and sensationalized writings were 'based' upon information provided during a paid interview of an unreliable individual with past convictions for perjury. To discount the truth and portray a sexual relationship between Mr. Hoover and Clyde Tolson would truly be a miscarriage of the facts and overshadow the many contributions of Mr. Hoover."

You can read the entire letter for yourself, but their gist is that Edgar wasn't gay, and portraying a homosexual relationship will only damage his reputation. 

Forgot that showing every side of Hoover might help us better understand the man, and our country for that matter, since the dude did forever change the way we fight crime. 

And in case you were wondering, the "author of questionable repute" is indeed out-and-proud Dustin Lance Black, who recently won an Oscar for his screenwriting in Milk (guess those credentials mean little in the eyes of the FBI?).

So while Eastwood reassured the big guys there is no cross-dressing or portrayal of a homosexual relaysh, we beg to differ, and know there is at least one major smooch scene between Leonardo DiCaprio (J. Edgar) and Armie Hammer (Clyde Tolson) in the flick. 

So is it an honest portrayal what Eastwood's after or is he just catering to the Oscar's love of a little guy-on-guy action?

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