Boo! Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen Make Fashion Funny in Latest Style Stunt

Twins dress up in multiple costumes, including bats, cats and Star Wars characters, for their style website

By Cristina Gibson Oct 05, 2011 6:35 PMTags
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Suri Cruise isn't the only star trying out costumes before Halloween this year.

Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen are getting into the dress-up spirit early, too, in this promotional video for their StyleMint site.

The tiny twins sport Batman, Catwoman and Star Wars get-ups, plus display that they have a sense of humor, too...

RELATED: Suri Cruise rocks ladybug costume

While in their Imperial stormtrooper and Darth Vader outfits, the pair have light sabers coming out of their ubiquitous coffee cups.

What's it all about?

By clicking through the various costumes and answering questions, readers eventually get a 15 percent discount to use on their site, which features designer T-shirts handpicked by the sisters.

That's great, but what we really want to know is what M-K and A are actually dressing up as come October 31!

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