Johnny Depp Offers "Heartfelt Apology" for Rape Remarks

RAINN accepts actor's mea culpa after star sent heartfelt letter apologizing for his insensitive comments in Vanity Fair

By Gina Serpe Oct 05, 2011 2:17 PMTags
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As expected, that didn't take long.

He's not the first and he probably won't be the last celebrity to off-handedly equate mildly unpleasant experiences to that of being raped, but this morning, Johnny Depp wasted no time in offering up an apology for some less than sensitive remarks he made to Vanity Fair in which he likened the plight of being a much-photographed celebrity to that of a victim of a horrific violation.

So how did Johnny's otherwise sensitive soul spring into action?

By offering up a sincere letter of apology to RAINN, the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network.

"Dear RAINN," Depp wrote in the letter sent directly to the organization yesterday, not long after his initial comment went public.

"I am truly sorry for offending anyone in any way. I never meant to. It was a poor choice of words on my part in an effort to explain a feeling. I understand there is no comparison and I am very regretful. In an effort to correct my lack of judgment, please accept my heartfelt apology. Sincerely, Johnny Depp."

Now there's the Johnny we know and love.

As for what called all the controversy to begin with, while discussing the intrusiveness he felt when participating in photo shoots or otherwise getting caught by paparazzi, he told Vanity Fair, "Well, you just feel like you're being raped somehow. Raped. The whole thing. It feels weird, just weird, man…"

Not so weird is that RAINN quickly—and publicly—accepted Depp's genuine mea culpa.

"RAINN appreciates and accepts Johnny Depp's heartfelt apology," Katherine Hull, the organization's spokeswoman said. "We hope to work with him to provide hope to victims of rape and make sure they get the help they deserve."

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