
Superbad Dude Is Super GLAAD

Guess who's partying gay?

By Ted Casablanca Sep 01, 2008 4:03 PMTags
Jonah HillINFphoto.com

Who could be more out of place at a popular WeHo hang than a supposed guy's guy whose movie roles mostly include trying to score the mystifying G-spot? (A place we've never been to but hear great things about, save for the weather.) But that's exactly the type who was out and proudly partying at the 9 peeyem gay bingo night at fagola-fave Hamburger Mary's: Apatow ally Jonah Hill.

Hill-hon was clean-shaven for once, tho still portly, happily chiming in with all the other bitchy bingo players. Not to say chillin' with drag queens over a few double Appletinis makes ya wanna dress up in your mom's Sunday best, but this ain't his first foray into the man-on-man stuff.

J.H.'s Forgetting Sarah Marshall character was drooling over rocker Russell Brand the whole pic, and didn't he date Andy Samberg's dad in a wild 'n' crazy SNL digital short last season? Even if Jonie's just comfy keeping queer company, it's always nice to see homos and heteros alike sharing the same spaces.

Last time we saw this chubby chump was back in June, headbangin' behind us at the Kanye West concert in Hell-Ay. Didn't take long to go from hip-hop to sharing drinks with the gays, tho when are those ever really exclusive? Kan's prob the most queer-friendly rapper, well, ever. Not counting Will Smith, but that's a whole 'nother item.

Additional English-screwin' reporting by Becky Bain

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