Mel B. Will Consider Playboy; Teen Will Consider Masturbating

Mel B will "consider" doing Playboy. What are the ramifications?

By Peter Gilstrap Aug 28, 2008 11:50 PMTags
Teenage Boy, Melanie BrowniStock, MJ Kim/Spice Girls LLP via Getty Images

Ex-Spice Girl Mel B has admitted that, though she has turned down two offers to pose naked for Playboy magazine, a show-all photo spread of the voluptuous singer is not out of the question. “I was offered Playboy last year and again a couple of months ago, and I did turn them down,” she told the British publication Closer. “But that's not to say I wouldn't consider it in the future.”

In a related story, 13-year-old Youngstown, Ohio, resident Jimmy Steck has announced that he will “consider masturbating to the Mel B spread, if she decides, like, to do it.” Steck, who described himself as a “frequent” masturbator for well over a year, acknowledged that the self-pleasuring act could be a long shot, given the magazine's weak status as an arousal aid. “Playboy’s pretty lame,” offered Steck. “The girls look all fake. There’s way hotter stuff in that copy of Maxim that Tony lent me. Plus, the Internet is just nonstop babes.” Steck was asked if he was aware of Mel B. “I don’t really know much about the Spice Girls, but girl power is totally cool with me, as long as I can masturbate to it.”

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