Forget Tori! Luke Perry Is 90210's Most Wanted

The new stars of 90210 would like a visit from Dylan McKay

By Marc Malkin Aug 28, 2008 12:23 AMTags
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If Luke Perry does decide to reprise his role as Dylan McKay on the new 90210, the 42-year-old former television heartthrob is likely to get lots of attention.

And not just from regular ol' fans.

"Oh. My. God. I love Dylan McKay," Shenae Grimes, who plays Annie Wilson on the new 90210, says in Nylon magazine. "If I ever meet Luke Perry I may collapse. I don't know what I'll do."

Same goes for one of her costars, Jessica Stroup...

"Are you kidding me? He's an amazing-looking man," Stroup says. "Sexy! I remember being at my cousin's house and taking the cushions off the couches and just watching Luke Perry on TV and falling in love. The rebel, the rebel…"

And speaking of sexy, it sounds like 90210 is going to be pushing the envelope, Gossip Girl style. "American audiences have an attention span of, like, three seconds," says AnnaLynne McCord, who plays Naomi Clark. You have to catch their eye when you flip channels, so it's very provocative, very racy, very sexy."

McCord may already be doing that in real-life. She praises Angelina Jolie as "the epitome of who I want to be."

Especially, the kickass action-star side of Jolie. "I like guns," McCord says. "My birthday is next week and I'm getting the 380 Ruger and a .38 revolver."

Let's just hope she's not packin' heat next Thursday when she and her costars host a party for Nylon's TV issue at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel.

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