
Ab-Off Alert! Ryan Gosling Gets Mistaken for...Ryan Reynolds!

Exclusive! Drive actor recounts being taken for another equally handsome Hollywood star

By Ben Lyons, John Boone Sep 08, 2011 6:03 PMTags

Would a Ryan by any other name be as hot?

From our point of view, Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds are some of the sexiest men in show biz these days. But besides simply sharing a first name (and mutually drool-worthy six-pack abs), Gosling knows what it's like to walk in the other Ry guy's shoes.

How so?

RELATED: Ryan Gosling + Carey Mulligan = Insane Chemistry!

He apparently gets mistaken for Reynolds on the N.Y. streets, like, all the time.

The Drive actor chatted with E! News' Ben Lyons and revealed the Ryan connection:

"They're disappointed when I'm not Ryan Reynolds," Gosling 'fessed before imitating a convo with a misguided fan: "‘Oh can I get my picture with you?' And you're like, sure, and they're like, ‘I thought you were more muscley.' No. ‘Have you gotten, like, more unattractive for a role?' No. Just the role of my life."

What?! We may need an official ab-off to prove Gosling's got the goods. Anyone else game?

Ryan continues, "Sometimes they'll take a picture with me and then they'll look at it, and I'll see their faces fall and they realize when they look at the picture, that's not Ryan Reynolds."

Have no fear, Gos, you're our fave anyway!

Oh, and as for the now-legendary YouTube video of Ryan Gosling breaking up an NYC street fight? If you don't remember the scuffle you may remember the clip by his bulging biceps.

Well, Ben had to ask Ry about that day (and that muscle-revealing tank top).

"I'm sorry. I had just come from the gym. I don't wear cool stuff to the gym. It's like laundry day...You're washing everything else," Ryan said, très embarrassed. "Basically I get given free stuff. And that was one of them. I didn't know it was going to be everywhere. I would have worn a different outfit."

Well we say thank heavens for laundry day!

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