Pollapalooza! Is Sarah Palin Officially Over?

You voted to ditch the former Alaskan Governor in a recent poll

By Ted Casablanca Aug 08, 2011 1:45 PMTags
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Our little rounds of Ditch, Do or Marry often make us raise an eyebrow, but never like this!

And this time we totally mean it in a good way. While Team Truth is usually split (even amongst ourselves!) on which peeps we'd hitch and who we'd so ditch during each round, we were oh-so-pleased that when it came to politics you had the exact same taste that we do.

Most importantly:

You seem to be totally done with sometimes dim-witted Sarah Palin!

Must say, we seem to have underestimated you crafty voters, 'cause when we presented Sarah, Prez Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, we totally thought you'd pick the former Alaskan governor turned reality TV hottie as most do-able of the White House-seakin' selections.

But with a whopping 70 percent, you all said that Palin needs to hit the road and head back north where she came from. And we say kudos to that!

Tho we're positive we haven't seen the last of the mama grizzly—the 2012 election is coming up pretty soon, after all, and her fam thinks it'd be way awesome if she ran—it's nice to know that you are as sick of her shtick (and collection of tight T-shirts) as we are.

We were equally happy with the rest of your results: We too find Barry the most bangable of the bunch. Is that OK to say about our Commander-in-Chief? Oh well, more power to the hottie leader of our great nation!

And though you were pretty split with whether you'd like to tie the knot with Hillary or Obama, we're happy to see that you'd be happy to have Hill at your side for your stint in the Oval Office.

'Cause we definitely would too. Bill's a lucky dude, we say!

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