Hope Solo Goes Hollywood and I'm Here to Grill Her (Earmuffs, Seacrest and Selena!)

Hope Solo Goes Hollywood and I'm Here to Grill Her (Earmuffs, Seacrest and Selena!)

By Ken Baker Aug 04, 2011 7:33 PMTags
Hope SoloMichael Loccisano/Getty Images

Before I became Ken Baker the Gossip Maker, I was Ken Baker the Puck Stopper. I even wrote a book about being a hockey goalie. Now my son has followed in my footsteps as a goalie. And my daughter Chloe's favorite soccer position? Yep, goalie.

So when I was offered an interview with Hope Solo, the super-talented U.S. women's soccer goalkeeper, I was psyched. I mean, all goalies, no matter the sport, share a special bond: We're usually a little strange but, duh, extremely fascinating. And I almost always get along with them.

Hope is a bonafide celebrity. She's confident, outspoken, brimming with personality (and tons of Twitter followers) and her model-high cheekbones and pretty eyes are red-carpet ready. Add to that she recently signed a huge Gatorade endorsement deal and hilariously dropped comedian George Lopez into a dunk tank, and it's clearly time Hope was given an ol' fashioned E! News grilling. She revealed her likes and dislikes (ear muffs, Ryan Seacrest!) and, though she admitted to still being a little uncomfortable with silly Hollywood interviewers like me, the fiercely competitive ‘keeper shed some light on her life away from the goal.

Hope spoke to me over the phone from her Seattle home where she's recovering from a shoulder injury.

KEN: Ok, we're going to do a cheesy rapid-fire Q&A. You ready?

HOPE: Oh, my God, I hate this!

KEN:  What? You're a goalie! You should be used to rapid fire. Okay, Justin Bieber or Justin Timberlake?

HOPE:  Um, Justin Bieber. Oh my god I can't believe I just said Justin Bieber I have to take it back! I can't do that. Make that Justin Timberlake! I gotta take it back!

KEN:  Well what's your explanation?

HOPE:  Well, I've always been a fan of Justin Timberlake.  And I haven't been the biggest fan of Justin Bieber, until my teammates made me watch his DVD and he actually has a pretty cool story.

KEN:  Did you cry watching his movie?

HOPE:  No, I did not cry.

KEN: I did.

HOPE: Aww.

KEN: Okay, next one. Harry Potter or Twilight.

HOPE: Harry Potter

KEN: Wow, that's kinda nerdy.

HOPE:  I'm a nerd at heart.

KEN:  Well, as for Twilight, Team Jacob or Edward?

HOPE:  They are my celebrity crushes!

KEN: See, with my hard-hitting interview style, I finally get the truth.

HOPE:  I love Edward from Water for Elephants. He's amazing.

KEN: Beckham or Ronaldo?

HOPE:  I gotta go with Cristiano Ronaldo—as a player! But I really like Beckham as a person.

KEN:  So you are splitting the difference?

HOPE:  No I can't do that, I hate people who do not have an opinion. But it is true that I really respect Beckham as a person and I think that gets lost in the shuffle with everything he has been about, but he is a good guy.  But, Cristiano Ronaldo is a fantastic player.

KEN:  Yeah, wait, but who is hotter?

HOPE: Oh my god, hotness! Oh, definitely Beckham.

KEN:  Twitter or Facebook?

HOPE:  Twitter. I never go on Facebook!  I like, haven't confirmed anybody to be my friend on Facebook. I have lots of friends; I'm just really bad at Facebook.

KEN:  Miley or Selena?

HOPE: I'm going to go with Miley.

KEN:  Okay, any particular reason?

HOPE:  She's a little edgy, which is a little more my style I think.

KEN: Yeah, I would say you guys have a similar thing going. I can see the connection there.

HOPE:  Plus, she did the Annie Leibovitz photoshoot and so did I actually.

KEN: Who is your celebrity look-alike?

HOPE: Jennifer Carpenter from Dexter. I get that a lot.

KEN: So if they made a movie about your life she should play you?

HOPE: Totally. She pretty much rocks. She's got attitude but a girlie look. And she curses a lot on Dexter.

KEN: Do you watch E!?

HOPE: Yeah, of course I watch E!

KEN: Do you watch the Kardashians?

HOPE: I don't like to admit it, but I do. I can't believe I'm admitting all this. I usually tell people I watch like 24 and Prison Break.

KEN: To make you sound sophisticated?

HOPE: Totally.

KEN:  Since you watch E!, Ryan Seacrest or Giuliana Rancic?

HOPE:  Giuliana.

KEN: Wow, you didn't even hesitate. Why is that?

HOPE: Yeah. Ah, this is horrible! Well, Ryan Seacrest has grown on me over the years, but I thought he was sooo corny, and corny is not my cup of tea.

KEN:  Well, I work with these people everyday so I'll pass along your opinion ...

HOPE:  Great, great, fantastic. I'm so mad I called you right now, Ken.

HOPE:  Okay I feel really really silly right now, I'm sorry.  I guess my experience is in the sport world and I'm a little boring. I like to read books and be alone; I'm not social butterfly person.  I'm sorry.

KEN:  Stop. That's what makes you interesting and a great goalie. Unique.

HOPE: Thank you.

KEN: Grilling is over. Now I'm going to write this all up word for word and put it up on E! Online, so if you want to change your Justin Bieber/Justin Timberlake answer just let me know.

HOPE:  Haha. I got your number, so watch out!

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