Ben Affleck: Republicans Got It Wrong If They're Inspired by The Town

Actor isn't sure what to think when a Republican congressman shows a clip of Affleck's heist flick to show he's onboard with the GOP's debt-ceiling plan

By Natalie Finn Jul 27, 2011 10:39 PMTags
Ben AffleckJason Merritt/Getty Images

Ben Affleck doesn't know what to think!

All he knows is that the a Republican congressman showed a scene from The Town during a meeting of House GOP leaders last night to show that he was onboard with Rep. John Boehner's plan to fix the debt ceiling—which, at this time, is at odds with President Obama's proposed plan.

"I don't know if this is a compliment or the ultimate repudiation," Affleck said in a statement after learning his movie was being used to rally Republicans.

The prominent Democrat had a suggestion, though.

"If they're going to be watching movies, I think The Company Men is more appropriate," Affleck said, referring to his 2010 drama in which he plays a longtime corporate employee who's let go during a round of bottom-line-serving layoffs during the recession.

Hmm, sounds like a burn.

But The Town apparently did the job just fine.

House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy played the scene where Affleck's character asks his buddy for help, warning him, "I can't tell you what it is. You can never ask me about it later." (It's for violent revenge, FYI.)

"Whose car are we gonna take?" his friend replies, loyal to the bitter end.

According to the Washington Post, Rep. Allen West of Florida watched the clip and said, "I'm ready to drive the car."

[Cue heartwarming theme music.]

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