Hear How Olivia Wilde Cheated Death to Make It to the Cowboys & Aliens Premiere

Actress calls the film her "favorite thing I've ever done," despite nearly being trampled to death onset

By EOL Staff Jul 24, 2011 5:40 AMTags

Looking glam-tastic in Dolce & Gabbana on the Comic-Con red carpet for Cowboys & Aliens, it's hard to imagine the film's premiere without Olivia Wilde.

Needless to say she had the fanboys drooling as she made her way into the show to talk with Ben Lyons and Catt Sadler. And you can believe they were hanging on her every word...

Shockingly, we learned we should consider ourselves lucky Wilde even made it tonight. According to the stunning actress, who says she was nearly trampled to death during one harrowing sequence of the filming. Find out which of her costars saved her life, why this flick is her "favorite thing I've ever done" and what she loves about Comic-Con. (Hint: everything).

Not to mention what it's like to work with James Bond and Indy, er, Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford.

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