Bitch-Back! What Do Robsten's Parents Think of Their Steamy Relationship?

Readers wonder how Robert Pattinson’s and Kristen Stewart’s parents are reacting to the constant gossip surrounding their little ones.

By Ted Casablanca Jul 14, 2011 8:54 PMTags
Kristen Stewart, Robert PattinsonKevin Winter/Getty Images

Dear Ted:
It must be hard on Robert Pattinson's and Kristen Stewart's parents to have to see or hear the gossip spewed about their children on a regular basis. That doesn't even take in the fact that some of these people got their hacking hands on a certain family photo at one Christmas and continue to post it in videos on YouTube and other websites.

Dear Robsten's Roots:
It's true that Rob's and Kristen's parentals do have to deal with the constant false gossip about their kiddies, but suffice it to say, these are burdens they're willing to bear—as they've support their kids' career choices fully.  Also, these kids are pretty damn famous, don't forget. I'd like to think that both Rob and Kristen have spoiled their parents, accordingly.

Dear Ted:
Why is it that people instantly judge all of Taylor Swift's boyfriends after they split. Why don't people just realize it could also be her!

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Dear Suspicious Swift:
Because she's Tay Swift, the good-girl from the South who can do no wrong!

Dear Ted:
I love K.Stew but my guilty pleasure is Ashley Greene. What has she been up to? I see she cooled it with the man slinging. Give me a clue to her Blind Vice.

Dear Asking About Ashley:
It's very liberal, quite sensual.

Dear Ted:
I'm getting very tired of you slamming Fiona Shaw, the excellent actress who plays the lead witch in True Blood, simply because you don't like her age and looks. You are no spring chicken yourself, by the way! I admire Fiona for not subjecting herself to the Botox/surgery thing which skews everyone's ideal of the middle-aged woman. Fiona is real, and she can act. I'd rather watch her than a plastic Madonna or Nicole Kidman any day.

Dear Fiona Fan:
I was just mentioning that in comparison to the rest of the T.B. cast, who could all pass for Greek gods or goddesses, Shaw's got a different look going for her. Not to say it's bad, but different. Touchy!

Dear Ted:
Are we looking at a new breed of young actors these days? I'm a huge Hunger Games fan so I follow the cast and they are always tweeting, taking pictures with each other, mentioning each other. Alex Ludwig also takes time out to answer questions a lot. Unlike the super-secret Twi cast, are these new actors learning that accessibility keeps their reputations positive?

Dear Prominence in Press:
I'm thinking it has less to do with a "new breed" and more to do with the fact that Twilight has such a rep that they don't really need to get more people interested in their project. The Hunger Games will need to create a much larger following if they dare to compete with the phenom that is Twilight.

Dear Ted:
So what's going on with Ryan Reynolds and Charlize Theron? I thought he was hanging out with a German model on the set of his new movie but supposedly he has been seeing Charlize for months. Something of a Blind Vice maybe? Funny how this stuff comes out days after his divorce is final.

Dear Rendezvousing with Ryan:
Funny indeed. But it seems for now Ryan and Charlize are going to continue to keep their hookups on the DL. Plus or minus the occasional flirt sesh with Scarlett, of course.

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