John Carter Trailer Sends Taylor Kitsch's Hair and Pecs to Mars

Friday Night Lights star breaks out onto the big screen in new adventure flick from Disney

By Gregory Imler Jul 14, 2011 7:10 PMTags

Fresh on the heels of a great day for Friday Night Lights, one of its stars is creating buzz on the big screen. Taylor Kitsch, aka Tim Riggins, the best damn fullback in Dillon, Texas, is bringing his trademark shag and gruff whisper to Disney's Martian adventure, John Carter.

So what can we expect from this bad boy?

Plenty of ass kicking. Only this time, Taylor's fighting for more than a state championship. Carter, a Civil War vet (yes, Civil War, as this is based on novels Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote a century ago) finds himself transplanted to Mars, where he shockingly discovers a lush world completely unlike the red rock we know today.

Only problem is, the inhabitants are 12-foot-tall green barbarians who imprison him. So much for "little green men."

But it's cool.

All he needs is a flashy breastplate, a sword and a beautiful woman to whisper encouragements like, "Fate has brought you here, John Carter," for him to step up and show these barbarians that they aren't running the show anymore.

And when it comes to game time, has No. 33 ever let us down?

John Carter hits theaters March 9, 2012. How's it look?

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