Justin Timberlake Can't Stop Talking About Britney Spears—What's His Deal?

The former flames meet again in interview headlines

By Team Truth Jun 14, 2011 10:42 PMTags
Britney Spears, Justin TimberlakeAP Photo

Justin Timberlake may have dropped the pot bombshell (like we didn't already know tho) in his latest interview with Playboy, but we're way more interested in his renewed interest in a certain señorita.

See, J.T. is riding the media whirlwind leading up to the release of his latest flick, Bad Teacher, costarring his former flame Cameron Diaz, but it's another ex that he cannot stop talking about.

Who is it? Britney Spears, of course!

So, Mr. Timberlake, why do you suddenly find the need to shower Brit-Brit with compliments?

RELATED: Britney Spears' New Concert Tour: Should You Go? (Answer: Hell Yeah!)

Maybe's he's trying to rekindle their friendship to perfect his ex-turned-pal track record? For someone who says he doesn't "have too much to say about her situation," Justin has been mentioning the pop star quite a bit in recent interviews—and always in the kindest regard.

Remember, sources close to J.T. boasted that he has always stayed on good terms with the women in his high-profile love life. Ya know, except for B.S. Could all that change when she catches wind that J is being her knight in shining armor for the tabs?

Even though he claims he "can't remember the last conversation [he] had with her," Timberlake still had the heart to defend his former GF against a viral video critiquing her dance moves (or lack there of):

"The internet is a cruel place. What a f--ked-up thing to do," Justin chimed in. "In Britney's defense, if you pulled up a video I did from 2003, I couldn't do the s--t I did then either."

Yeah, right. Smoking a tad too much reefer there, J? But that's a different issue.

"I'd love to see the people who comment about Britney online say those things to her face, because they couldn't," Justin dished about the often-maligned mama, before taking on the entire friggin' internet.

"But this thing that happens online bothers me—these anonymous commenters," Justin argued. "People think they can say anything and it doesn't matter to people."

Hear that, you nasty commenters? Sometimes words hurt—not that Brit spends her time trolling the goss pages crying over who bitches what about her weave, weight or wishy-washy dance moves.

But must admit: This kind of talk makes our '90s-loving hearts ache for a Mouseketeer reunion! Obviously there are still some rabid Justin and Britney fans out there (Team Truth included) who would rival even the craziest of Robsten fans.

Denim outfits forever!

But with Brit-Brit hitting the road soon and racking up some last-minute face time with media outlets, we gotta wonder: Will she return Justin's kind words? We highly doubt it.

What do you expect, after all? She's Britney, bitch.

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