Ex Games: Can Former Beaus Bring Kardashians to Blows?

A dispute over photos gets downright nasty—and it's only the first show of the season!

By EOL Staff Jun 11, 2011 7:41 PMTags
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Well, that didn't take long!

In this sneak peak from Sunday's season premiere of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, sisters Kim Kardashian and Khloé Kardashian Odom are already in each other's faces over the faces of Kim's former boyfriends. Seems Khloé's got photos of them on her wall, despite Kim's new relaysh with Kris Humphries.

This ticks off Kim, which in turn pisses off Khloé. Down comes a photo, but not exactly in the way Kim had envisioned.

Check it out ...


Ouch! A little excessive perhaps, Khloé? Or maybe you think she's justified? Sound off in the poll:


Photo Blowup

Who's right, and who's been wronged?
Take a chill pill, Kim. When you change boyfriends like socks, sis is going to have a hard time keeping up.
Take an anger-management class, Khloé! Kim's annoyed, big deal. Doesn't give you license to lose it.

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