Feud Alert: Meghan McCain Burns Glenn Beck for Mocking Her Skin Cancer PSA

Fired Fox News pundit mocks McCain's appearance in a Style Network's "Naked" commercial promoting healthy skin awareness

By Jefferson Reid May 12, 2011 9:15 PMTags
Meghan McCainJohn W. Ferguson/Getty Images

Fired (but not yet gone) Fox News blowhard Glenn Beck apparently can't stop shooting off his mouth. Yesterday Beck mocked Meghan McCain's appearance in the Style Network's skin cancer awareness ad, which equates not using sunscreen with walking around naked.

Beck reportedly spent eight minutes slagging the ad in which Megan and other celebs appear to be naked. He pretended to barf repeatedly and said things such as, "Put some extra clothes on. Like, lots of extra clothes...has she thought about a burqa, just to be extra safe?" Way to stay classy, Glenn.

But now McCain is firing back in The Daily Beast. Hear her snappy retort (and watch the PSA) after the jump:

"Clearly you have a problem with me, and possibly women in general, but the truth is, it's 2011 and I heard your show on Fox was canceled," McCain wrote. "Isn't that an indication that the era of the shock jock pundit is over?...There really is no need to make something like my participation in a skin cancer PSA into a sexist rant about my weight and physical appearance, because I'm going to let you in on a little secret, Glenn: you are the only one who looks bad in this scenario, and at the end of the day you have helped me generate publicity for my skin cancer PSA, a cause that I feel quite passionate about."

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