Bitch-Back! Horny Stars Keep Readers Guessing! TomKat Off Its Throne?

Reader responses guess who's gay

By Ted Casablanca Aug 14, 2008 7:53 PMTags

Dear Ted:
Is it just me or is Katie Holmes channeling Princess Di? The weight loss, the hair, the clothes...and the way she poses for pics is almost identical.

Dear Royal Pain:
Princess Fergie during her Weight Watchers days is more like. Classy, this tale is not.

Dear Ted:
Crotch Uh-Lastic from One Draw-Strung-Out Blind Vice has to be Ryan Gosling. Rachel McAdams is all of a sudden around again; he's brooding and a little crusty. He's up and coming—sounds like Mr. Gosling to me!

Dear Det. Crust:
Excellent guess there, babes, just not the right comer. Precise on everything else, though, right down to the doable dimples.

Dear Ted:
Is Crotch Uh-Lastic Ryan Phillippe?
—Kat, York, Pa.

Dear Reese:
What’s with the fake name and address? You know it’s not Ry-Ry! He was always so much more discreet!

Dear Ted:
"Let’s objectify some Olympic athletes." Priceless, you made my day with that line—you have got to be the most obnoxious person and I love it!

Dear Shock Jock:
Thanks butt loads, and I’m sure Michael Phelps’ bikinied banana was what caused Prez Dubya to slip over at the Olympics, doncha think?

Dear Ted:
I think Crotch Uh-Lastic is actually Adrian Grenier—I didn't even know he had a girlfriend until she got into an accident with Shia LaBeouf. Now they are everywhere! Am I right?

Dear Crotch Shot:
Nope, and not even that close, really. Think somebody’s who’s entirely different off camera than he is on—and, trust, that ain’t A.G.

Dear Ted:
Your Truth, Lies & Ted clips are my new Friday highlight! Def laugh-out-loud funny. Love you for being such a goofball with it. What I'd love to see in your "Ted's Topics" is Ted's version of "who's doing/done/faux-manced who in Hollywood.” Sort of like sex degrees of Kevin Bacon. Wonder if everyone in Hollywood would end up being sex-linked to Paris Hilton to some degree?
—Tracy, Tunisia

Dear Social Dis-eased:
Yes, and they’re not happy about it. Great idea, babe! We’ll call it the "Tunisian Trot," in your honor.

Dear Ted:
Write on the pavement in chalk, baby. I'll read it. That said, I like the new format—especially the comments section following each item.
—W. Gerow

Dear Chalk It Down:
Thanks, Dubya, appreciate the paved props. And the ranters I love, too. Takes one to know one, eh?

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