Happy Stupid Easter, Everybody!

Silly Easter wishes for all our celebrity friends!

By Team Awful Apr 22, 2011 6:59 PMTags
Ted CasablancaE! Networks

In honor of the hoppy holiday this weekend, we wanted to wish you all a Happy freakin' Easter and impart some silly wishes for our celebrity pals.

Obviously, more than a few famous faces have been up to some hare-raising antics lately, and we don't just mean Lindsay Lohan, I mean, we're pretty much used to her silliness at this point. Instead, we'd like to send Easter baskets of good will (really!) to:

Our emaciated trainwreck LeAnn Rimes, if you aren't noshing on low-cal wedding cake at your rumored nuptials to that Eddie Cibrian douche this weekend, do us all a favor and eat a carton of marshmallow Easter Peeps. And please, for the love of new media, don't tweet about all those crappy foods you aren't actually eating. It's getting old. Maybe down a chocolate bunny or three this Sunday, too?

Poor diva-addicted Lea Michele, when you've stopped hurling Easter eggs at all of your fans, take a minute to enjoy some Easter brunch, perhaps. Although at the rate you're going, you may be dining solo for a long time to come. But we'll always hang out with you, girl! You're the best! Never apologize for being who you are.

And while his ex Brooke Mueller was busy celebrating Passover with their kids this week, Charlie Sheen definitely leans more toward bunnies than matzo. The trashy "goddess" kind, that is. So we say, good riddance and more power to ya, Brooke. Just stay away from that Manischewitz wine, honey! Of course, we doubt Charlie has Easter plans with the tots, since he didn't even show for their birthday bash. Is the world finally starting to see this guy for who he really is? Probably not.

To leave things on a more loving note, like we promised, this week we witnessed the hottest Robsten PDA ever. Get into more of that kind of slobber action super soon, kids! Because while the world heals itself with Earth Day, we know what's really going to make this a happier, healthier planet: love.

And that's want we want for everybody, even Charlie.

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