Why Did Anderson Cooper Take a Photo of a Man Peeing?

CNN's Silver Fox tweets about disturbing sight at his doorstep

By Marc Malkin Apr 16, 2011 10:17 PMTags
Anderson CooperNancy Kaszerman/ZUMA Press

If alcohol-loving Snooki showing up and throwing up wasn't enough to incense Anderson Cooper, now the Silver Fox ends up contending with late-night public urination.

And he took to Twitter to tell his 1.1 million followers all about it...

"Just got home, found drunk guy peeing on my bldg front door," Cooper tweeted at about midnight Thursday. "He asked for my pic. Instead I took his. Am tempted to tweet it out. Annoying!"

The Coopster never did post the photo.

Not that it makes it any less offensive, but perhaps Mr. Drunky didn't realize he was peeing on someone's private residence. Cooper reportedly lives in a 8,000-square-foot multi-million dollar converted firehouse in New York's Greenwich Village.

Or maybe the guy was just hoping to get a look at Cooper's shiny brass fire pole.

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