Oh Baby!

Oh Baby!

By Kristina Guerrero Apr 07, 2011 12:25 AMTags
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Something wonderful happened yesterday—actually it happened yesterday at 9:56 PM. My friend, Heidi, gave birth to a beautiful 6 pound 14.2 ounce baby boy named Luca Tranisi.  He gave his momma a run for her money for 7 of the 9 months he resided in her body but he came out 150 percent perfect and healthy.

The topic of babies is not new to me especially as of late because 2011 has certainly turned out to be the year of the baby and we cover it almost every day on E! News. I started to wonder is there something in the Hollywood SmartWater bottles that has every actress, model, singer, reality star…with child? Natalie Portman, Alyssa Milano, Kate Hudson, Mariah Carey, Jessica Alba and even the ladies here at E! have been drinking this said water—producer Jeaneen, editor Stephanie, makeup artist Casey! 

Sporting the baby bump has become Hollywood's hottest look!  And while I jumped on the skinny jean band wagon two years ago because that too was the trend, I wasn't too sure whether I was ready to jump on this trend so fast.

But Heidi having Baby Luca puts me in an interesting situation. You see, Heidi and I were the last of a certain kind—the last two of our childhood friends sans baby.  I've remained very close to this group of girls—girls who I've know since I was ten, with whom I shared clothes and boyfriends; celebrated slumber, birthday, graduation and wedding parties; got into mischief and, well….got into more mischief with! And then one at a time, the babies started to arrive, except for Heidi and me. We had our alliance! In fact, Heidi and I spent last summer drinking margaritas and hanging in the pool saying we wouldn't be able to have afternoons like that with kiddies around. But deep down I knew Heidi really wanted a baby next. And she did!

After congratulating Heidi on her pregnancy I thought, "Everyone is going to start asking me when I'm next!" The pressure!  And as sure as I know Hollywood like the back of my hand—the texts and the phone calls came in!  "Kristina! You're the last one to have a baby! You're next!  When are you going to start trying?" (which, by the way, I think is a weird question to ask).

I love my friends and I know my friends are proud of me and my accomplishments. And while they're impressed that I get to stand next to Ryan Seacrest on E! News I think they'll be much more impressed when I announce a baby on the way, which I will one day. But in the meantime, I'll just shower the babies that are already here with love and presents and tune out my girls when they ask me when I'm next.

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