Lindsay & Sam & Hilary—Hairy Together

Lindsay and Sam get their hair done together

By Ted Casablanca Aug 12, 2008 11:00 AMTags
Lindsay Lohan, Samantha RonsonFAME PICTURES

As usual, it’s all about the hair. For every bitch who’s been bitching (including this bitcher) that Lindsay Lohan and her constant creature of companionship, Samantha Ronson, perhaps aren’t so fine right now—just because they fought in Miami recently—listen up 'cause here’s a clue that maybe, just maybe, things are fine, at least for now. L2 just hit the Neil George Salon in Bev Hills before they jetted off for whatever place they plan on squabbling in next. Lohan, in flats and jeans, stuck next to Sammy-babe with the same verve L2 reserves for avoiding her mother’s TV program. “Where is she?” Lohan screamed the one second Ronson chose to drift outside the salon, while Ms. Lohan was having her locks blown dry for what seemed like ages. “She was frantic,” blabbed a gal sitting right next to Lohan, who was having her coif done by colorist Tracey Cunningham, the broad responsible for bleaching Rumer Willis’s head platinum blond. Can’t think of a better reason to stay away from a colorist, but whatever.

“They were always together,” slipped another Neil George source about the reportedly happy couple. “It was weird.” Not half as alarming as the fact that Lohan was entirely makeup free and looked like she was ready to film Caged Heat 4, despite the glam hair-doing at work. What’s happening to our formerly charged-up sex tart? If she keeps up this quasi-androgynous, asexual strutting much longer, she’s not even going to have a lesbian-chic career to pursue. Girl-on-girls like their glamming up, too, don’t forget Ms. L. But then again, Neil George is also where Hilary Swank went for her new Amelia Earhart look, a short, rather boring hatchet job she’s donned for the pic, Amelia, which is all about the butch explorer. Maybe Ronson and her scaled-down (way down) looks are onto something here? A nontrendy femme trend getting ready to hit? Jeez, let’s hope not.

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