
What Will Rupert Grint Miss Most From Harry Potter?

Actor reminisces about growing up making one of the biggest film franchises ever

By EOL Staff Mar 24, 2011 2:05 PMTags

While the final Harry Potter flick doesn't hit theaters until July, fans are no doubt already bemoaning the end of the beloved film franchise. But imagine what it must be like for the folks who actually helped to bring the world of Hogwarts to life!

In this exclusive look at a special feature appearing on the upcoming Blu-ray, DVD and On Demand release (April 15) of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I, Rupert Grint reveals what he's going to miss the most about playing Ron Weasley while taking in a round of golf. (Hey, the guy's got some free time now!)

"Everything, I suppose," Rupert says. "The people, mainly, I think. It's been a crew of nine that I've kind of grown up with. But just the whole routine, really. Just going everyday into the same place, seeing the same people, and not having that, it's going to take a while to adjust to."

And, believe it or not, even though he basically grew up playing Potter's pal all these years, Rupert says he still has a hard time picturing himself as the character.

"Whenever I read the books now, I don't see myself as Ron," he insists. "It's weird...everyone else has been replaced in my imagination, except for me."

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