Gilbert Gottfried Fired by Aflac for Japan Quacks

Comedian is no longer voice of insurance company's spokes-duck after tweeting about a dozen jokes making light of the nation's recent disaster

By Natalie Finn Mar 14, 2011 10:30 PMTags
Aflac Duck, Gilbert GottfriedAflac; Kevin Winter/Getty Images

There's a time and a place for jokes, and Gilbert Gottfried still hasn't quite caught on.

The notoriously nasal comedian has been fired from his gig as the voice of the Aflac duck after the insurance company got wind of some tweets he posted making light of the ongoing earthquake disaster in Japan.

So apparently there is a limit to how annoying the Aflac duck can be...

"Gilbert's recent comments about the crisis in Japan were lacking in humor and certainly do not represent the thoughts and feelings of anyone at Aflac," the company, which does a huge amount of business in the earthquake-ravaged nation, said in a statement. "There is no place for anything but compassion and concern during these difficult times."

The tweets have since been removed from Gottfried's account, but here's a quick example of the celebrity roast fixture's sense of humor: "Japan is really advanced. They don't go to the beach. The beach comes to them," read one post.

Maybe he and 50 Cent can enroll in Shock Value 101 together.

Incidentally, Gottfried was also raked over the "too soon" coals for making a 9-11 crack at the Friar's Club roast of Hugh Hefner just three weeks after the terrorist attack.

Rather than retire the Aflac duck, which was incorporated into the company's logo in 2005, it will be holding a nation-wide casting call for a replacement.

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