Vexed Rex Direx Hexes, Perplexes

Schlock horror helmer Brian Trenchard-Smith lashes back at McHale

By Peter Gilstrap Aug 06, 2008 8:05 PMTags

The sheer size of Brian Trenchard-Smith’s slacks must be staggering, as they have to accommodate the enormous cojones it takes to throw down against The Soup. Who is this man, this Brian Trenchard-Smith, you may be asking? Why he's the director of classic cinema like Hospitals Don’t Burn Down, The Siege of Firebase Gloria and the film that landed him on the Soup’s radar, Aztec Rex. Refresh your memory with the clip; then watch Trenchard-Smith's trenchant smiting of our man McHale and the very show itself.

Sure, them's fighting words, BTS, but we find the real star of your production isn't your snappy dialogue but ,rather, that mesmerizing whisp of Bob's Big Boy-like hair that looks like it's trying to fling itself off your scalp.

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