So You Think You Want Scoop on Tonight's Finale?

Get some early insight into the fourth season finale of Fox's fabulous So You Think You Can Dance. (Go, Twitch!)

By Kristin Dos Santos Aug 06, 2008 3:01 PMTags
So You Think You Can Dance: Stephen 'Twitch' Boss, Katee Shean, Courtney Galiano, Joshua AllenKelsey McNeal/FOX

You’re gonna want to stretch and hydrate for this one. Inside sources are spilling juicy scoop on the biggest TV event of the summer! Um, no...not the Olympics. No...not the presidential race. (Pshaw!) I'm talking about tonight's final showdown on Fox's So You Think You Can Dance.

Want to know who’s now part of a same-sex coupling? Why America’s loudest mouth was struck mute? What may have lead to the hospitalization of two dancers? Oh, you know you do.

Here are five things you probably shouldn’t know about tonight’s finale...

1. Boys Will Be With Boys: For the first time, look for same-sex couples to partner up and perform together. Expect a Tyce D'Orio Broadway dance for the girls, Katee and Courtney, and an intense Russian street-dance number for Twitch and Joshua.

2. Boys Will Be Dehydrated: Did I mention the Russian dance number is, um, intense? Well that’s no joke. Sources tell me the high-energy and physical intensity of this dance may have contributed to Twitch's and Joshua’s dehydration troubles and subsequent hospitalization over the weekend.

3. The Judges Will Dance! Yes, that’s right, we'll see Nigel Lythgoe boogying down and Mary Murphy performing a samba with former contestant Dmitry "Shirtless" Chaplin.

4. Mary Will Be Silenced! Perhaps most shocking of all is word that Mary Murphy—yes, screamin' Mary—was actually struck dumb at one point during the taping, according to eyewitnesses, because she was so stunned by a performance. Any guesses about which dancer actually put Mary at a loss for the words? No? Well, I would say more, but I don’t like to spoil since it makes my left eye twitch, sorry!

5. One Dancer May Be Doomed: This is the word from various audience members who were at the Monday taping of tonight’s show and who say that two of the contestants were jaw-droppingly flawless—one did as well as expected, but the fourth, unfortunately, didn’t dance nearly as well as we’ve seen in the past. (And he or she is a favorite.)

Who are you rooting for? Post in the comments, and then take a look below at my sit-down with the Final Four...

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