How Has Sundance Changed Paul Rudd's Life? In a Word: Grooming!

The actor reveals some of the perks of being a megastar at the Sundance Film Festival

By Brooke Matthews Jan 27, 2011 1:00 AMTags

For most celebrities, when they hit the big-time, it doesn't only translate into fame and fortune, but plenty of perks.

And things are no different for Paul Rudd, whose career has skyrocketed in the last few years.

Hollywood's resident funnyman was in Park City for the premiere of his latest flick, My Idiot Brother, and he chatted with E!'s Ben Lyons about some of the benefits an in-demand star receives and how it's changed his experience at the Sundance.

"Someone set up an appointment for a groomer today!" Rudd told us, almost unable to believe it himself. "I had a grooming before I came over here, which means I got makeup and hair. It took about five minutes—I probably needed more—but I've never had that at Sundance...I feel like I was in a dog show. Like, grooming?" he said.

While he may still be reeling from the notion that he's worthy of some primping before he hits the red carpet, the actor said he keeps coming back to Sundance for the simple pleasures.

"As kind of cheeseball as it probably sounds—but it's very genuine—it's really great seeing cool movies. And I got in yesterday, and I try to fill as much time as I can seeing movies," the star gushed.

Check out the video to hear more about Rudd's prowess at growing facial hair and why it's so much fun to make movies when all your friends are involved.

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