Rocky Horror Remake? Not So Fast, Says Susan Sarandon

The original Janet weighs on on plans to make a new version of the cult classic

By Marc Malkin Jan 26, 2011 11:00 PMTags
Susan Sarandon, Lea Michele, Rocky Horror20th Century Fox ; Adam Rose/FOX

Don't ask Susan Sarandon what she thinks of the Rocky Horror Picture Show episode of Glee.

Uh-oh! Is the Oscar winner getting all Kings of Leon on us?


Turns out the Oscar winner isn't a big TV viewer. "I don't watch TV really, but I did see Glee once," she told me at the Bing Bar at the Sundance Film Festival. "What I saw I thought was so fabulous. I thought it was so moving." (Note to Fox: Please send Ms. Sarandon a copy of the episode ASAP.)

Sarandon said she learned about Glee's Rocky Horror tribute through the press. "They kept asking if I was going to be on the episode," she said. "Nobody spoke to me about doing anything on the show."

So, how's she feeling about Glee creator Ryan Murphy possibly directing a remake of the cult classic?

"If they did it completely different in like 3D or something, because you cannot," she said, "do it anywhere near the way it was at that time with those people."

In other movie remake reboot news, Elizabeth Banks, who played Miss Brant in the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movies, thinks the world is ready for Andrew Garfield as the webslinging superhero. But it sounds like she's more excited about the Broadway musical. "I really want to see it," Banks told me at the Tide Loads of Hope Presents: Espwa, A Story of Hope in Haiti event. "It's like going to watch NASCAR and waiting for something bad to happen."

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