Mark Ruffalo to the Academy: "Grow a Pair!"

The Kids Are All Right star speaks out at the Golden Globes against sexist director trends

By Ted Casablanca Jan 19, 2011 3:15 PMTags
The Kids Are All Right, Jeffrey Levy-Hinte, Jordan Horowitz, Gary Gilbert, Annette Bening, writer Lisa Cholodenko, writer Stuart Blumberg, Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo, Gabriel BassoAP Photo/Matt J. Terrill

Forget to tell you my favorite moment backstage at the Globes Sunday night:

"I have a message for the Academy," Kids Are All Right star Mark Ruffalo announced.

"Grow a pair!"

Jeez, what the hell caused Ruffalo so say that?

Well, this was right after Best Actress winner Annette Bening shared in my disappointment that director Lisa Cholodenko hasn't been nominated for any director awards so far.

Bening had just finished a polite explanation on why women like Cholodenko are often ignored, when Ruffalo gave us his Academy memorandum.

Then I asked Bening—being the Academy Awards vet she is (she's been nominated three times, she's married to Warren Beatty, who owns one of those babies for directing): What the ef?

Kathryn Bigelow wins Best Director last year, first time in history a woman gets the top award, and now, with The Kids Are All Right, clearly one of the best flicks of 2010, we're apparently back to the boy's club again. As all Golden Globes and Directors Guild nominees have been men.

"Is it just cyclical?" I asked.

Bening offered:

"I'm very prejudice, but good directors are not calling attention to themselves. It's in their filming."

And just when I was about to ask if the look-at-me fraternity was reserved for guys like, David Fincher, say, Ruffalo bolted up and offered his thoughts on the subject.

Which I think says it much better.

But maybe the Academy should grow ovaries?

Regardless, let's hope Lisa gets included when the Oscar nominations are announced next Tuesday.

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