Nikki Blonsky: Airport Altercation Aftermath

A new video emerges supposedly showing Nikki Blonsky following her airport scuffle with ANTM's Bianca Golden

By Peter Gicas Aug 04, 2008 8:09 PMTags

Forget Baltimore. Good morning, YouTube.

New footage surfaced on the viral video porthole today, apparently showing Hairspray star Nikki Blonsky and former America's Next Top Model contestant Bianca Golden moments after their scuffle at an airport in Turks and Caicos last Friday.

The clip includes some running commentary by a woman who supposedly witnessed the tussle, which eventually led to assault charges for Nikki, her father and Bianca.

So what do you think: Does the vid offer up any real insight into the brouhaha, or is it just adding fuel to the gossip fires?

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